Enlightening the World about the Science of Chiropractic
Based on over 20 years of groundbreaking research by some of the world’s leading Neurophysiologists and Chiropractors

A world of people expressing optimal potential.
Enlightening the world about the science of chiropractic.
Passion • Authenticity • Vision • Integrity • Innovation • Excellence
To enlighten and inspire the world about the benefits of regular chiropractic care.
Our Team

Dr. Heidi Haavik
Ph.D., BSc (Chiro)
Founder / Neurophysiologist
Dr. Heidi Haavik is the Vice President of Research and Dean of Research at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. She is a chiropractor and has a Ph.D. in human neurophysiology from the University of Auckland.

Dr. Kelly Holt
Ph.D., BSc
Scientific Editor / Lecturer
Dr. Kelly Holt is the President of the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. A chiropractor and Ph.D. trained clinical research scientist, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Physiology and a Ph.D. in Health Science.

Dr. Jenna Duehr
BHSc, BChiro, MHSc
Scientific Editor / Lecturer
Dr. Jenna Duehr graduated from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic (NZCC) in 2018 with a Bachelor of Chiropractic. In 2021 she started her Ph.D. at The University of Auckland.

Dr. Alice Cade
BSc (Chiro), MHSc (Hons)
Neuroscience Lecturer
Dr. Alice Cade is a practicing chiropractor, current Ph.D. student, and lecturer in clinical neuroscience. Alice has worked closely with the NZ College of Chiropractic over the last 17 years to develop its neuroscience program.

David Woodard
Digital UX Design & Strategist
David is an experienced Digital Designer passionate about clean and simple designs that deliver tangible business growth. He has built and managed countless digital projects and websites for the medical profession.

Debbie Couling
Debbie (Debs) is the glue that holds everything together, running the entire back office single-handedly and managing multiple projects simultaneously. She is passionate about health and well-being.